Data Recovery Recover – File Selection Guide Estimated reading: 2 minutes 160 views Contributors Below are the steps to select the files you want to recover.While this does not guarantee your files will be recovered, this stage is a great sign!Log into your customer portal;If you are unsure how to do this, please review the following guide: How To Access Your PortalOnce logged into your Customer Portal, find your Data Recovery Ticket and open it by clicking on the ticket number;With the ticket window open, download the provided file titled “” where “######” is your ticket number;Once downloaded, select the .zip and right-click the included .HTML file, and select open;Once open, select the “Define permanent selection” button on the top left-hand corner; it looks like four little squares;Browse the folders and select (using the checkmark) the files and folders you wish to recover;Once you have selected all files to be recovered, select the save icon on the top left-hand corner;On your customer portal, select upload file;Drag and drop the “selection.xsdf” to the file upload utility, and select “upload” and any browser reload prompts;If you cannot ‘drag and drop’ the file, select the “+ add file” icon and browse to where you downloaded the file, select and upload;Send us a message to let us know you’ve uploaded the selection file;